The adult was observed
feeding on the fruit from two Planchonella (Sapotaceae) trees on three
occasions. The fleshy berries of these trees were c.10mm in diameter and grey
singly on short stalks among the leaves. They usually contained two smooth,
elongated seeds. The adult moved through the tree taking only ripe black fruit,
leaving hard, green unripe fruit. The whole fruit was ingested. The juvenile
was present each time, but it was not seen to take any fruit other than those
offered to it by the adult.
At 15:30 on 9 October
the juvenile was seen feeding on its own, in a non-fruiting tree. It probed
hoes in the branches using its relatively long, decurved bill and took at least
one grub. It then pulled dead leaves from the branches, worried at the leaves
and seemed to pull further grubs from them, The dead leaves were too high for
us to examine them other than through binoculars. When the adult, carrying a Planchonella fruit, landed in the tree,
the juvenile stopped its own search for food and begged for the fruit which it
At 06:30 on 12 October
the adult and juvenile were seen in a species of Sericolea, possibly S.pullei
(Laut.) Schltr. (Elaeocarpaceae). This tree was c.6m high and stood in the
lodge grounds on the edge of moss forest. The adult was feeding on the small (2
x 1mm) red fruits which are produced singly on short, (1.5cm), thin peduncles
amonst the leaves. The juvenile followed the adult through the tree but did not
attempt to feed and did not beg to be fed.
At 17:00 on 9 November,
also in the grounds of Ambua Lodge, two birds (assumed to be the same ones seen
in October) were observed feeding on the berries of a Perrotetia alpestris
(Bl.) Loess sp moluccana (Bl.) Hou (Celestraceaea) tree. This tree was c.20m
tall.The fruits were small (c.1mm x 0.5mm) and were black when ripe. Fruits
were borne singly on short green stems, several of which grew alternately from
a more major stem. Although the juvenile was feeding itself, it still followed
the adult and was seen to beg for food. A begging call, an often repeated,
faint high-pitched squeak was heard.
Voucher specimens at
UPNG are: Planchonella, Hicks & Hicks
#5; Sericolea #6’ Perrotetia #7. We would like to thank Paul Katik, Lawong
Balun and Helen Fortune Hopkins for identifying the food plants.
Beehler, B.M, T.K.Pratt & D.A.Zimmerman.
1986. Birds of New Guinea. Princeton University Press.
published in Muruk 3(1): 14, co-authored with Jenny H. Hicks.
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