At 06:30 on 21 September 1990, at Matirogo Point, Port Moresby (National Capital District), a female Yellow-bellied Sunbird Nectarinia jugularis was observed bathing in the dew that had collected along the outer edge of a banana leaf. When first seen she was perched on the rib in the centre of the leaf. After a short while she slid, with wings spread but drooping at the tips, towards the edge of the leaf. The posture of the sunbird was similar to that adopted by some birds, e.g., Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius when anting. When the sunbird reached the dew at the edge of the leaf, she tried to maintain her position by scrabbling with her feet and flapping with her wings. This also splashed the drops of water, but was only successful for a few seconds. She then dropped off the banana leaf and flew to another where she landed for a brief preen of her body and wing feathers. The whole process was repeated three times before she flew off. By 07:20 all the dew had evaporated.
Originally published in MURUK 5(2):93.